Cherry Creek Title Services is an independent agent of Commonwealth Title, a member of the Fidelity National Fund Family and First American Title Insurance Company; two of the largest underwriters in the nation. If you have an upcoming transaction and you would like to obtain estimated closing fees, a link has been provided to each of our underwriters Rate Calculator below.


(Choose One)

*Be sure to select "Title Fees" when using the Rate Calculator*

For a more complete estimate you can include any closing fees that may be applicable to your transaction. Below you will find a list of common closing fees:

Bundled Refinance Closing Fee $350.00
Residential Sale Closing Fee $350.00
Residential Loan Closing Fee $350.00
Closing Protection Letter  $25.00 (per insured party)
Property Tax Certificate $30.00
Incoming Wire Fee $25.00
FedEx/Courier Service $22.00